Honor the IncludeInactive flag that is part of the arguments.
Custom Sales Report
Fixed a bug with the Ad Size (Dummy) column that would sometimes show the billed size.
Discrepancy Processing
Fixed a bug with reporting segmented ads as the wrong size when using the SCS Extended Product XML.
Can now read extended product XML from Layout as well as ClassPag.
Fixed some errors where height could be adjusted by the outext height units more than once.
External Payment Module
Properly return a failure when a credit card is declined.
HTML Form Module
Fixed bug with balance forward calculation.
Fixed a bug with printing an invoice for one customer.
Added a description for payments.
Name statement output files with the product ID to preserve uniqueness when AdMAX is configured to invoice at the product level.
Added an option to include prepayments.
Fixed a bug with revenue adjustments not showing if done against an ad from a previous period.
Added a new formula which generates the "print" image (using the specified print device from AdMAX parameters). This can be useful for long legal ads that will be longer than one page.
Miscellaneous Charges
A product is now required when entering a miscellaneous charge.
Fixed a bogus error message that the customer's balance could not be updated when resaving a miscellaneous charge.
Fixed uninitialized variable UOMAreaRec.
General cleanup to dialog.
Order Entry
Fixed unrecognized input variable warning when saving TFN ads.
Past Due A/R Report
Added order number and PO number as new fields to the report. These are only displayed if the invoice contains one ad.
Added product id, product name and original invoice amount to the CSV export.
Added an option to run by a specific aging date rather than today.
PCAB Export
Initial version of an export to PCAB (PaperCheckAdBoss).
Rate Exception Report
Include the override reason, if one was specified.
Schedule Pull Interface
Return up to 500 run dates. This was previously capped at 1 year.
Statement Printing / eStatements
You can now print by a remittance company. This feature is only used by the HTML Form module and only has an effect if AdMAX is configured to invoice at the product level.
XML Export Interface
Do not send a killed run if there is a live run for the same date and product.
Check for ads in personal queues and send them as kills.
XML Import Interface
Fixed an issue where a duplicate prepayment could be saved.
Added a separate module to handle payments for ads that have completed their run schedule.
Allow specifying a customer template rather than the default transient for new customers created through XML interface.
When processing order kills, only kill future runs.
Zoho Export
Include payments in the files generated.
Include invoices in the files generated.
Cleanup files left over from automated runs of the Customer List and Aging report that use significant disk space over time.
Do not set the posting date field for future insertions.
The aging report from the Zoho export now uses generic headings for periods, i.e. "Bucket1".
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