December 28, 2021
noVNC (web access to Layout-8000, SCS/ClassPag and AdMAX) 5.6.3
SCS/Track™ 5.6.3
eTearAdBoss™ 5.6.3
Quick Order Entry (QOE)™ 5.6.3
noVNC (web access to Layout-8000, SCS/ClassPag and AdMAX)
Previously using the noVNC client through the CAS web portal required additional ports to be open to the outside world - if indeed CAS and noVNC was being made available to remote users. This has been hardened now and everything is pushed through the standard https and http ports, 443 and 80, respectively. Only browser access is necessary now from anywhere to be able to run noVNC for these applications.
- Fixed a bug with the noVNC through CAS to verify the port number before opening the session. This would cause a problem if the user had a saved URL bookmark with a port number in because their session would always open on that port, meaning they could possibly be logged into another users session.
The Find Ad option has been improved. Previously typing in an ad number matched either an image number or order id and would take the user directly to that page. The problem was that if an image number and order id were identical but were for two separate ads the user would only ever be taken to the image number that way and could not get to the order id. Now if a single exact match is found for either image number, order id or ad vendor id Find Ad will take the user to that page. If more than one match is found the results will be loaded into the Ad Inquiry table instead of doing a redirect allowing the user to select which ad they really want.
- Finding an ad in eTearAdBoss now uses the order id and ad vendor id for matches.
The customer name has been added to the error file.
Quick Order Entry (QOE)
Fixed a bug filtering accounts in the customer search.
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