June 5, 2020
SCS/Track™ 5.0.0
A utility, called ArTrack (pronounced art-rack), to manage reusable artwork is now available within SCS/Track (CAS). This allows for such functionality as searching artwork, importing it into an ad and tagging artwork by advertiser or other searchable criteria. This search criteria can be done from the browser or the AdLauncher.
Single-sign on (SSO) is now supported in SCS/Track. Either traditional login methods, SSO or both can be used. If SSO is configured many of the options associated with a user (site, security group, email address, etc.) can be configured in the SSO application and do not need to be configured in SCS/Track itself. The user is created automatically in SCS/Track (CAS) using information from the SSO application after a successful login. Azure Active Directory is currently supported.
Named deadlines can be configured, allowing a predefined list of deadlines from a dropdown to be selected when overriding a deadlines in Ad Info or Ad Inquiry.
- Custom email can be edited as RAW HTML and supports a much larger list of standard tags. This allows for greater flexibility in customizing emails.
Images from the ad submissions table or files tab on Ad Info can be sent out to preflight directly, creating a new ad submission for the selected components.
The order entry change actions table now supports a status of New.
A standard interface for handling imports from AdTransit and AdSend is available.
File type dropdown options, wherever an ad/file submission can be done, can be customized. Options are Camera Ready, Layout File, Copy/Other and Image. Descriptions may be changed, order of the list may be altered and options can be hidden.
The ad vendor id is now available as a standard field on ad submit forms.
- There is now an option on the delivery method table (for proofs) that will allow a proof to be sent, even if the email that goes out before the proof fails for any reason. The failure will be logged but the ad will continue out to proof anyway.
Status of the image size check is now available in the Ad Inquiry table. Further details are provided on a mouse-over.
There are several new tagging options.
%AD_IMGS% embeds any files configured for email to appear embedded in the body of any email outgoing for a given ad;
%AD_SUBMIT_URL% creates a link pointing to the ad submit page for the given ad (allowing file uploads without logging in);
%DESIGN_MARKUP_URL% creates a link pointing to the markup page for the given ad (allowing file uploads without logging in);
%FIRSTPAGEGROUP%, %NEXTPAGEGROUP% outputs the first page group for an ad or the page group associated with the next run, respectively;
%FIRSTADTYPE%, %NEXTADTYPE% outputs the first ad type for an ad or the ad type associated with the next run, respectively;
%FIRSTPAGEGROUP%, %NEXTPAGEGROUP% outputs the first page group for an ad or the page group associated with the next run, respectively;
%ADSIZEWITHUNITS% outputs the ad size for the given ad including its units (in, cm, etc.);
%DEADLINE_#% outputs any deadline configured, where # is the numeric id of that deadline type (i.e. 1 is production, 2 is proof, then follow custom deadlines) - formatting masks are allowed for this field as well. -
Artwork can now be submitted following a link from an email, allowing file submissions without being logged in. See the tags above. Completely anonymous file uploads can now be configured as well, even without following the link.
Added an option to the source table to Ignore Size and Color Checking when doing an automatic pickup. The dropdown option to route on failure and route on success for pickups have been replaced by a route key, allowing much more diverse routing.
- Site support has been expanded to handle business units. This is a flag on the site table. Business units are more clearly segregated in what information is shared and who has access to them than regular sites, not marked as a business unit.
Support for several new types of Job Assignments are now supported.
- Images can be viewed and/or downloaded from the ad submissions list on either the Ad Info page or the Ad Submit page. Previously downloading did not work and viewing would only view specific files if they did not go through a preflight channel. These files are now also the original pushed through the submission, not a file that may have been processed post upload.
The zone has been added to the Ad Inquiry table if it is passed through from order entry. Filtering, sorting and searching by the zone is possible.
The Category field for an order can now be fed from Order Entry to SCS/Track through the SCS Interface Tool.
- The pagination process supports additional options:
Send Ad Files works as it does now, sending any files marked for pagination to their designated locations;
Send Ad Package creates a ZIP archive of the entire ad folder and sends it to the designated location;
Send Ad Files as ZIP creates a ZIP archive of only ads flagged for pagination as in Send Ad Files. -
The publication/edition dropdown in Ad Inquiry is available for other users types besides administrators and salespeople and is further restricted to available options based off the site of the user currently logged in.
Fixed several issues with UTF-8 characters that would prevent the SQL import from working.
Fixed a bug that caused issues accessing ads with a back-tick in the filename or advertiser name.
Fixed several filters that were not working properly in the Ad Inquiry search.
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