July 9, 2018
SCS/Track™ 4.1.1-0
Added a new set of actions called OE Change Actions - Order Entry Change Actions. This option is only available if AdvancedXMLLogging is enabled in Ad Inquiry settings. Change actions are route actions configured using the Job Assignments table and this new OE Change Actions table.
An ad can be routed based off of its current status (expired, finished or in progress) and the change received from order entry (size, color, kill or run schedule change). The priority order in which the system determines which change take precedence can also be configured as well.
- Whenever a deadline override/exception is created using the new deadline utility, the system checks if that ad is in a finished state and if it is it is paginated again. This process is only for ads that use the paginate by deadline option because those are the only output files that would have their names changed as a result of a deadline change. Issue reported by Times-Shamrock (Scranton, PA).
A remove from pagination removes all files starting ORDERID_ from a pagination location if that is a multiple run pagination location with a remove method configured. Multiple run pagination locations have different names based off a run date and deadline so if there were any changes that altered this information - a removal by file name would not work properly because the new file names would not match the original paginated files. Issue reported by Times-Shamrock (Scranton, PA).
- Improvements have been made to the import utility to reduce unnecessary wait time due to file processing delays. This should significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to process ad submissions that are fed through a process requiring the use of an import utility or ads coming back from a remote ad building location. Issue reported by Times-Shamrock (Scranton, PA).
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