May 16, 2018
SCS/Track™ 4.0.0-2
- Reporting in SCS/Track (CAS) has been fixed so that the number of results can exceed 5,000. Reports over 5,000 items gave an error indicating no records could be found. Issue reported by Times-Shamrock.
Ads now go from a status of New to In Progress as part of a route action. Issue reported by The Courier (Findlay, OH).
- Ads can now be exported/transferred even if they are in an expired state. Issue reported by The Courier (Findlay, OH).
Deadline calculations now work regardless of the number of deadlines configured. A large amount of configured deadlines would configure all deadlines calculations to fail. Issue reported by Times-Shamrock.
- AdLauncher can now do a checkout of ads that have been written to an archive. This functionality was unintentionally lost at some point. Issue reported by the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, UT).
Ad statuses are now getting properly updated as part of the nightly processes. Issue reported by The Courier (Findlay, OH).
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