Bulk Ad Requeue Module
- Miscellaneous fixes to bring this module up to date with queue changes.
Custom Sales Report
- Added a tax-exempt flag.
Contract Maintenance
- Show the customer number in the list as a column.
- You can now use the salesperson's email address as a wildcard in email fields.
Google Ad Manager (GAM) Integration
- Initial support in AdMAX. AdMAX can create and update orders in GAM.
- Ad categories can be marked as a "GAM" categories. Choosing a GAM category automatically loads a GAM specific dialog.
HTML Form Module
- Added ability to separate single and multiple page forms.
Insertion Order Form Module
- Added the following fields:
- Color information.
- Group.
- Section.
- Ad notes as fields.
Monster.com Integration
- Added new fields "Twitter", "Veteran" and "Career Ad Network".
- These fields can also be used in the rate table.
Standard Internet Dump
- Fixed a bug with the classification code in the JSON format.
- Fixed a bug with stripping composition from the ad text.
Order Entry
- Only check the credit of an agency if the agency receives the bill.
- Fixed uninitialized variable warning in the web ad dialog.
Payment Entry
- Payments can now be flagged "hold" if they become unapplied credit. If a payment is held, it will not be automatically applied by AdMAX. It can only be manually applied.
Payment Reconciliation Report
- Added receivable type as a field.
Past Due AR Report
- Added customer type as a field.
QOE Integration Improvements
- Added functionality for prepayments through QOE.
- Added functionality to create new customer for QOE.
Revenue Adjustment Window
- Added new district field.
Unapplied Credit Report
- Performance improvements.
- Include the new flag for whether the credit is held or not.
Zoho Export
- Include AgencyNumber and AgencyName for each ad. These fields are important for accounts that use agencies but do not bill the agency.
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