AdMAX 11.03 (Jul 20, 2016)
Ad Category Auto Fill Values
You can now toggle by ad category when the update messages should appear. The options are to display a message when the values are set and to display an option when the values are not set. The default behavior is to have both values set to TRUE to display the messages.
AdMAX Make Menu
Will now default to ADMAX and ADMAX_MAIN as the entry point instead of ABS and ABS_MAIN.
AdMAX XML Interface
When determining the unit of measure to send to track, look for an active product before using a deleted product.
Pass the pickup number to SCS/Track even if the ad doesn't exist in AdMAX.
Added a time stamp to the xml file name. (AdNumber_TimeStamp.xml)
When sending the source of order, if there is no source of order set at the version level, use the source of order from the ad if one exists.
Get the Unit of Measure based on the transaction type and product combination instead of just by the product.
Aging Report
When sorting with subtotals, the aging report will attempt to put the subtotal on the same page instead of forcing subtotals to a new page.
Classified Ad Export
Display ads will use the ad description as the description, unless the description is blank. In that case the sort value will be used.
Credit Card Processing
Increased the size of the response file that we can receive from Monetra
Added the ability to assign credit card clearing houses by the sales office of the customer. The credit card reports in the credit card center will identify the clearing house that the transactions is linked to.
Credit Card Refunds
Now updated to recognize that a credit card clearing house can be assigned based on the sales office.
Customer list report
Added contact name as one of the fields. It grabs the name from the primary contact on the account.
Customer Maintenance
When moving a customer to a new account number, you can now do this even if there are ads scheduled. If anything has been posted, then you can't move the customer to a new account number.
Custom Sales Report
Fixed the sorting of the saleperson id field so that it sorts as a number and not a word. (1, 2, 10, 11, and not 1, 10, 11, 2)
If a customer has a contact type of EB (eBilling) then the email from that contact will be used in placed of the primary email on the account for the sending of an eInvoice. A customer can have multiple EB contacts.
Email Report Module
The email report module converts the report to be sent to a pdf. When the report was already a pdf, it still attempted to convert it. This has been changed so that reports that are already a pdf will be no longer go through a conversion process.
If a customer has a contact type of EB (eBilling) then the email from that contact will be used in placed of the primary email on the account for the sending of an eStatement. A customer can have multiple EB contacts.
eTear Interface
ETearAdBoxx interface is not controlled by a notice record. The Notice Type will be Transmit Ad. The File Name will be etearexp and the Formula File Name is ETearExport. All other values are optional. This record will created during the upgrade to version 11.03.
The etear interface now checks if the insertion is deleted. If so, it sends over an "R" transcode instead of a "U".
Inserts and Preprints Report
Added the number of pages and the page size to the report.
Monthly Automatic Credit Card Processing
This process will now use the clearing house designed by the AdMAX parameter rules. Either based off of the user, the product or the sales office. It does require a default clearing house be assigned to the user which the process will use if all of the other checks fail.
Order Entry
Turned off the exporting of soft line returns when using cut and paste in the editor. This will prevent a new line from being forced on every line.
Fixed to handle height and width values of 8:3 (9999.999)
Updated the ad image view module to improve display of large segmented ads.
When using the Page format on the ad category record, you'll need to set the billing uom to be the area uom for the unit of measure you are overriding to.
Added Preprint Descriptive Size to the values that can be automatically filled in when putting the ad category on the ad.
Changed the pre-defined buy selection to be a check list so that it is easier to select multiple items. If the ad category on a pre-defined has an autofill option enabled, those vales will be automatically filled in when the pre-defined buy is selected.
Inproved the performance for loading an external image in order entry.
Fixed the spelling of salesperson
Extended the product list on the PROD tab to fill the entire tab, removing the product, ad category and buys fields that were previosly displayed on the bottom. These fields were redundant as they mirrored the active product, active active category and active number of buys which are displayed in the middle of the order entry window.
Order Entry Insertion Order Form #10
Now checks sort field 1 on the forms records to determine if an ioform remark should be displayed.
Payment and Adjustment Posting
When creating a new billing record, we now check to see if it is associated with an invoice. If it is, we get the Invoice Product from the Invoice Record instead of using the Product Id and Sales Office from the ad.
If the transaction is not associated with an invoice, we get the Invoice product using the Product Id and Sales Office from the ad.
Payment Based Commission Report
Removed the code added for Sales Office and replaced it so that it will now always show the clearing house that would have been used for each payment, even if the payment was not a credit card.
Payment Entry
Don't warn the user about not having a clearing house assigned on the user record unless the site is configured to require a clearing house on the user record.
Fixed a problem where editing a payment with a discount could result in the discount transaction type being removed.
When creating a payment discount for an invoiced transaction, AdMAX will now always create a payment record for the discount.
Payment Entry & Apply All Unapplied Credits processing
When a write off is entered as an unapplied credit, and then later applied to a balance, the apply and posted unapplied credit transaction types on the write off transaction type record will be used to set the transaction types for the application of the unapplied credit. If these fields are blank, then the write off transaction type will be used.
Payment Reconciliation Report
Fixed a problem where the applying of unapplied cash would appear as a refund on a customer's account.
The clearing house description will be displayed next to the credit card totals. If a site uses more than one clearing house, then credit cards will first be sorted by clearing house, then by card type. A total for each clearing house will be displayed.
Pre-Defined Buys Maintenance
You can now mix products with different sizes when setting up the predefined buy. When using it in order entry, you'll need to use an ad category that overrides the page format to one that all of the products can support, or you'll be limited to only selecting products that have a common page format.
The description no longer has to be uppercase.
RealMatch Export
Removed the check for whether or not the ad is ok to dummy. That is not necessary when sending to RealMatch, if it is in the product we should send it regardless.
Retail Ad Export
Adding Descriptive size to the text export file (cardex).
Run List by Salesperson Report
Created a new report that will summarize the insertion schedule for a single publishing date for scheduled ads. It sorts by Sales Office, then Salesperson and then by ad.
Standard Insertion Order Form (ioform.frm)
Added the Bill Dummy Description to the product table so that it can be displayed on the product line if desired. As this is summarizing the bill/dummy status at the product, but it can be set at the insertion level it may contain multiple values.
If every insertion for the product is BILL ONLY, then the word BILL will be outupt. If every insertion is DUMMY ONLY, then the word DUMMY will appear. If every insertion is both bill and dummy, then the word BOTH will appear. If multiple types exist on the product, then the different names will be listed for all valid types. For example, if the product has one dummy only insertion, and the rest are both "BOTH, DUMMY" will be output.
By default this does not appear on an existing standard form. It needs to be added to the notice configuration.
Standard Internet Export
Fixed a problem that would require the uset to log out between running multiple occurrences of the Standard Internet Export.
Updated the image generation module to create higher quality images.
User Maintenance
You can now get a list of fields for the new order start field, existing order start field and locate start field instead of having to manually type them in.
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