January 4, 2016
Community Advertising Services™ 3.4.0-0
PGLAdBoss™ 3.4.0-0
Quick Order Entry™ 3.4.0-0
SCS/Track™ 3.4.0-0
Improved the logging when users initiate markup via a link in the proof email. The user to which that email is sent is the user identified in the general markup comments, notes associated with specific markup and any logs generated during the proofing process. Previously everything was simply logged as “Guest”. If the email address the proof is sent to does not have a user associated with it in the system, everything with that proof is still logged as “Guest”.
Sending email using the icon from the Ad Info or Ad Inquiry page now uses email configured in the Delivery Methods table. This enhancement means multiple email messages are supported along with different watermarks and resolutions. Each method can be setup to send either a JPEG or PDF file and a route key can be specified, meaning routing is now possible as part of the email process.
The Delivery Methods table now supports a method of type export. A method of type export acts like a submission for that ad in that custom export forms can be configured and the user taken to that form to upload files, a layout sheet and enter form information. An export submission email can be configured and sent as part of this process. Unlike a regular submission email, the export email includes a ZIP file attachment named submit_{adid}_{timestamp}.zip which contains all the files, the confirmation ticket and the layout sheet uploaded by the user performing the export.
Additional email substitution tags are supported.
IMPORT_MESSAGE – the error message generated during an import.
AD_COPY – the ad copy field entered in the submission form.
CATEGORY – the category on an ad record.
INSTRUCTIONS – a special instruction field that can be added to a submission form.
SUBMIT_NOTES – the notes that are entered during the submission process and ultimately saved with the notes for that ad.
The entire history of the ad and its files are available from the files tab on the Ad Info page. The date given on the pull-down is the last time a change was made.
There is a new source action of “Pickup/Proof” available. Setting this action for the given source will execute an automated pickup (just like automated pickups work now with a source action of “Pickup”). In addition, if the pickup succeeds the ad will be automatically sent out to proof using the standard CAS proof delivery method and email. It is important to note that the email address the proof is going to will not be able to be selected at proof time, so the email must be configured properly so that a valid email address is set upon sending of the proof.
The export icon on the Ad Info and Ad Inquiry page allows the user to select from all available transfer and export methods. If only one of these methods is available, the desired action happens immediately without the need for the user to choose.
The email icon on the Ad Info and Ad Inquiry page allows the user to select from all available email methods. If only one of these methods is available, the desired action happens immediately without the need for the user to choose.
The submission confirmation ticket is now named “upload_ticket_{confirmation number}.pdf” instead of “{confirmation number}.pdf”.
Changed the note type of “SCS/Track” to “General”.
The expire process was not properly cleaning up “.git” folders left in current ads once an ad was archived. This would cause the amount of disk usage in the current ads area to climb over time. This has been fixed and as part of this upgrade SCS will run one final cleanup to make sure there are no lingering ”.git” folders remaining.
An issue cleaning up empty directories in current ads, as part of the nightly processes, would cause the Git repositories (ad folders) to get out of sync. The symptom would be empty directories that appear in the files tab on the Ad Info page but would not be in the ad folder when it was checked out. This problem has been resolved.
A Git commit is performed when an ad is sent to FINAL. A JPEG preview of the ad is generated at this time and the missing commit in previous versions would cause the Git repositories (ad folders) to get out of sync.
If an animated GIF was the only file being submitted during an ad submission, it would fail to convert and the confirmation ticket would not get created. Now if an animated GIF is the only file uploaded with a submission, no attempt is made to include it in the printable PDF ticket.
Cleaned up a few more issues with the CSV export from SCS tables.
Quick Order Entry.
Added the contact name and primary email address to the customer summary.
Ads that cannot be edited or picked up in Quick Order Entry will be displayed with an asterisk (*) after the ad cost in the display ad list. If clicking on that ad, the user will be provided with information on why the ad is flagged as it is and given a choice of what actions they can perform.
The “Final Report” is now available from PGLAdBoss for customers who are running both PGLAdBoss and Layout-8000.
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