Includes release notes for version 11.00
AdMAX 11.00 (Nov 19, 2015)
What's new with Version 11
Starting with version 11, AdMAX will support different image for a retail display ad. You can now enter one order for a 2x2 ad and a full page ad. Even if the ad size doesn't change, but the contents do you'll be able to manage the different images with the new version tracking system.
Detailed documentation about how version tracking works can be found at You do need to be logged into your AdMAX Support account to access the file.
You can access all AdMAX online documentation by going to
Summary of Changes
Ad Index
The batch update process for ad index now also takes an optional run
date as an input instead of being hard coded to Today().
Ad List Report
The Ad List Report will now include the publication date when exporting the
file. It will appear in the column immediately following the ad cateogry.
Added the ability to select a customer for the ad list report.
Ad Production Report
Adding Customer Sales Office and Customer Sales Territory fields
AdMAX Parameters
Removed the three flags Using Multiple Ad Images for Retail, Classified Display and Classified Line ads. These flags were only partially implemented and were not functional. They were replaced with a single flag Using Ad Versions. This applies to all ad types.
Aging Report with Charges
This report now puts the names of the buckets in the headers when exporting the report instead of "Bucket 1", "Bucket 2", etc.
Modified the export to include the salesperson id and salesperson name.
Modified the order in which the amount fields are displayed. The new order is
- Open Balance
- Charges
- Payments
- SP. Discounts
- SP. Charges
- Total Due
- Prepay
- Unapplied
- Uninvoiced
- 0-30
- 31-60
- 61-90
- 91-120
- 150+
This way we can look at the report as two chunks of numbers that should each balance.
On the Left side of Total Due, we have Open Balance, Charges, Payments, Sp Discounts and Sp charges. The sum of those columns should equal the Total Due.
On the right side of the Total Due column we have Unapplied, Uninvoiced, 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120 and 150+ and the sum of those fields should equal the Total Due.
The prepay column doesn't factor into the calculation for Total Due as the prepayments are reserved for future ads. As those ads start to run, the money will come out of Prepayments, but the net result to the other buckets will be 0 (as both the ad charge and payment will be applied at the same time washing each other out).
Classified Groups
Added the ability to group together classifications outside of the structure of the classif database file. They are configurable from within Position Requests inside Product Configuration. These groups, for right now, are only going to be used by COE in CAS. They are needed when we have a site that defines all their classifications at the top level and has no major/minor structure.
If classification groups are configured, we are going to use them as pseudo major classifications in CAS. Any classifictions that can be used to place ads can be associated with a classification group.
Classified Export
If a classified product has the Alt Classified Display product filled in on the product record, then then RETAIL ads from the alt Classified Display product will be included in the classified export to SCS/ClassPag. The RETAIL ads will be placed under classification ~~~~.
Commission report.
Added the commision report back to the commission tab.
Contract Frequency Analysis Report
Turned off full time spanish translation.
Contract Performance Report
Modified the export of the contract performance report to produce different results based on the summary vs detail options. Summary produces the total view which is important for frequency contracts as it checks each frequency period to see if it meets the fulfillment requirement. That would be tedious to do in an external spreadsheet.
Create Finance Charge
Added totals to the finance charge report.
Credit Card Processing
Checking position of tags withing response file for improved validation.
The description of the payment will no longer be replaced by the credit card settlement approval message.
Custom Ad List report
Added the following new fields to the report: Order Source, Sales Office (Cust), Sales Office Name (Cust), Sales Office Name (Cust,Short), Sales Territory (Cust), Sales Territory Name (Cust), Sales Territory Name (Cust,Short)
Custom Sales Report
Added Revenue Category Description to the report.
Customer Merge
Made sure the advertiser account was updated on invoices created for A/R adjustments only. (no revenue records)
eTear Interface.
Fixed a potential bug with the eTear interface when saving an ad from order entry. We were incorrectly using the InsertRec to lookup an InsPlaceRec. The problem was we kept finding the wrong InsPlaceRec and the placed information for future runs would be bogus in eTear.
We now only send over insertions from order entry if they have page information. I removed the check from of WasDumped = 'T'. As long as we have page information, it is sent over. This fixes the case where a late ad would hvae been created in Layout and we got the page information even though it was not dumped.
Extra Form Printing
Modified the sort options so that the correctly sort by product first and then specificied sort (such as customer name) within the product.
Insert and preprints report.
Switched the order of the PutReportMulti() calls so that the main report is added first. It seems that if you want to export a report, only the first report that is passed to PrintReportMulti() is exported. Since the criteria report was first, nothing was getting exported and it would have been the wrong report anyway.
Order Entry
If the ad had preprint information, the size would get pulled off that, even though it was not a preprint. We now check to make sure the ad is a preprint or if it is an incomplete ad, otherwise we do not use the preprint size information.
When duplicating an ad with version numbers, if insertions are not copied to the new ad, neither will the versions. The last version used will be copied as the default version on the new order.
When a site enables ad versions, ads that have posted will no longer become view only. Insertions can be added to the ad after it has expired.
When using Ad Versions an order number can not be reused.
When using Ad Versions, the order number will not be carried forward on each subsequent TFN ad. The new TFN ad will be flagged as a pickup of the last version used in the previous TFN ad.
Order Entry will now automatically reprice the ad when leaving the version tracking list.
When failing to save a new customer extraneous phone numbers were not removed. This was only a problem for new accounts that entered a phone #, a fax number and at least one extra phone number in order entry, and when saving the ad the saved failed because a required field was missing.
When saving an ad with a new customer, if the customer account cannot be created the ad will remain on the screen so that the user can fix the customer.
Payments and Adjustment Processing
Anyone can now unlock a locked payment batch.
Payment Based Commission Report
Added the ability to sort by product and ad category even when the site
doesn't invocie by product.
Remotely Load Ad in AdMAX
This can now be called locally without invoking a new shell first. This function is used in SCS/ClassPag to launch an ad.
Standard Insertion Order Form
Added Pickup_Ad, Pickup_Order and Source_of_order as fields that can be displayed in the body of the form.
Added Ad_Number, Order_Number and Printed_By_Msg as fields that can be selected for the page header.
Added Color_Names and Total_Insertions as fields that can be selected for the body.
Added PositionSummary for the product list
Added DetailedInsertionList to the product table. This displays every date that is scheduled for the product. No attempt is made to summarize the dates.
Added attention to as a field that can be added to the address.
Added three new fields to the insertion order form - ScheduleSummary: X times, start date - end date; Order #
PrintedByMsg: Printed by user at date time
Standard Internet Dump
The code for the standard internet dump has been separated so that it can be run as a batch process.
The standard internet dump now writes to stdout the name of the file it creates when running in batch mode. That way, if the calling process wants to do something special with the file, it can.
Standard Statement/Invoice/Coop form #3 (stdformb2)
This form supports the placement of a logo and an amount paid on the bottom of the form which can be used as a remittance slip.
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