November 15, 2013
SCS/Track™ 3.0.0-0
Community Advertising Services™ 3.0.0-0
Community Classified Services™ 3.0.0-0
ReserveAdBoss™ 3.0.0-0
Ad Inquiry uses improved searching and filtering methods greatly enhancing search speeds and lifting the limit of results returned from a single query.
Ad Inquiry search options have been added to include killed ads in a search. Date range searching may be done by Run Date, Deadline or Creation Date. A generic search field is available to support free form text searching on the Order Id, Advertiser Name, Ad Description, Source, Salesperson, Salesperson Name, Ad Text and Image Name.
The following columns have been added to the Ad Inquiry table: Proof Deadline, Next Run Date, Next Run Product, First Run Date, First Run Product, Last Run Date, Last Run Product and Assignment Time. A few of these fields replace Next/Last Run Date and Next/Last Run Product which are no longer available.
The Ad Info page is opened in a separate browser tab when clicking on an ad in the Ad Inquiry table, allowing multiple Ad Info pages to be open for different ads at the same time. The runs and logs are displayed in separate tabs along the bottom of the page, allowing the user to easily switch between both lists.
The ad proofing/mark-up tool has been improved to allow boxes to be drawn directly onto the mark-up image. The mark-up image can be resized during the mark-up process and the proofing process itself has been streamlined.
A large preview is available in Ad Inquiry when doing a mouse-over of any of the thumbnail previews in grid view.
The site code is saved and applied as part of Ad Inquiry saved searches.
The left sidebar in CAS may be collapsed or expanded on a per user basis.
Community Classified Services (CCS).
- A WYSIWYG editor option is now available allowing standard mark-up options as an input method when taking classified ads on-line.
Taking an ad on-line now supports uploading images for a classified on-line component in addition to the standard print component.
Page Manager Improvements (EAB/RAB).
- The zoom feature in the both EAB and RAB uses a slider instead of directly selecting the number of pages for viewing. Instead of the list of ads and page view appearing separately on the same page these views can now be switched between using tabs.
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