February 10, 2014
SCS/Track™ 3.0.1-0
Community Advertising Services™ 3.0.1-0
Community Classified Services™ 3.0.1-0
EditionAdBoss™ 3.0.1-0
ReserveAdBoss™ 3.0.1-0
AdLauncher and Ad Launching Scripts.
Scribus 1.4.3 is now a supported desktop publishing application for building ads.
- The AppleScript ad launching script, the AdLauncher and the CDS application have all been enhanced to address a Samba bug. This Samba bug may have caused the potential loss of the main InDesign document for an ad. This bug only applies when sharing work directories using Samba to a MAC running OS X.
The ad creation date/time can be searched on and is available for all ads. Creation date/time was previously only supported for ad kinds created in CDS.
Added an option to log outgoing e-mail from CDS. If this feature is turned on CDS will generate a log, containing the "To" and "CC", when the e-mail is sent.
Ad copy may be entered as part of the ad submit or ad create process. If ad copy entry is turned on, CDS will create a file in the ad folder called "ADID (COPY).txt" containing the ad copy.
Now an ad can be routed when out to proof based off when the job or proof deadline is past. Previously only the proof deadline could be used to determine when to automatically route an ad out to proof.
A "COPY" log now gets generated for the source ad when doing a pickup in CDS.
The Ad Info page displays all its information in tabs. There is a tab for runs, logs, ad submissions (previously unavailable from this page) and one for general information and the ad preview. The toolbar is fixed (no longer floating) appearing at the top of the Ad Info page much like an application toolbar. The next, last and first run date and product are displayed in the Ad Summary block.
The amount of time the Ad Inquiry search takes to complete now appears in the Ad Inquiry table header along with the number of ads found. The toolbar is always appears floating right above the Ad Inquiry table much like an application toolbar, instead of off to the right of that table.
A default filter and search can be saved per user, per security group, etc. as part of the Ad Inquiry page.
Transfer methods (such as FTP and Copy) are now supported in CDS. This allows image files to be transfered to a desired location outside of or before pagination.
Improved management facilities for the supplemental files table, allowing a significant reduction of the number of entries in this table, especially for digital ads.
The contents can be copied from text fields on the ad submission page, in most browsers, when viewing a complete submission.
- The option to view the ad layout file is now available on the Ad inquiry page.
ReserveAdBoss (RAB).
- The interface for editing zones, products, pages, blocks and field maps has been improved, its use is much more intuitive - including the ability to duplicate existing items, clear identification of required fields and field tips.
The interface for reserving ads now clearly identifies pages on which ad blocks can be reserved and shows what block sizes are available on a page.
Community Classified Services (CCS).
- An icon to refresh the ad preview is now available near the ad preview during the classified on-line order entry process.
The ability for a user to edit his profile if he has any classified ads pending is no longer restricted.
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