Includes release notes for version 10.68 - 10.71
AdMAX 10.71 (April 27, 2015)
Order Entry
Modified the note list under the Ad tab to be sortable, and stripped out any control/markup characters from the summary of the note (including new lines)
Modified by the Notes list on the Ad Tab in Order Entry so that it shows Ad Make Up Notes, User Notes and Customer Notes (Automatic, then generic) in that order. The note is tagged by the type (A: for Ad Makeup, U: for User or C: for Customer).
You can turn off the duplication of extra form information when duplicating ad ad. This is done by setting the Duplicate Forms (screen 15) of the AdMAX parameters maintenance record N. The default behavior is to duplicate forms. If you do not duplicate forms, then the defaults forms linked to the advertiser account will be used on the ad. This does not affect TFN ads. For Til-Further-Notice ads, the forms assigned to the original ad will be copied to the current TFN ad.
Changes to user notes and ad makeup notes will now be included in the order entry audit trail.
Quick Order Entry
Changes to the ad makup note will now be saved when editing an existing order via the web portal.
User Maintenance
Removed the option to determine which type of note will be displayed in the notes window on the Order Entry - Ad tab as it will now display Ad Makeup, User and Customer Notes.
A user can now be identified as a Timeout Admin. A timeout admin can unlock another users workstation by entering the admin's user id and password.
ASK/CRM Interface
Modified to write temporary files in $ABS_SCRATCH instead of /u/upgrade/ASK/
Timeout Module
You can now set a timeout value in AdMAX Parameters. If a user is inactive for that length of time (in minutes) then a timeout screen will be displayed and the user will need to enter their user id and password to continue. The user id and password are the same ones that are used to connect to AdMAX initially. A timeout value of 0 will disable this feature.
Copy File to PDF
The Copy File to PDF file can now be run with a default directory and with the option to create default file name for the pdf. To use this option you will need to set up a printer option that runs the command
$TOOLS/spice $ABS_XFM/copyfile.xfm CopyToPDF %F [FolderName] [Y]
- [FolderName] is optional. It will be used to set the default destination folder for the pdf being created.
- [Y] is optional and can only be used if FolderName is specified. When used it tells the system to set the new file name to be Login_MMDD_hhmm.pdf Where Login is the user's login ID, MMDD is the Month and Day, and hhmm is the hour and minute the file was created.
AdMAX 10.70 (April 23, 2015)
Order Entry
Added ReserveAdBoss Position Request changes to the Audit Trail (when made in AdMAX)
Quick Order Entry Interface
Added the Cost Override note to the Audit Trail when the note is passed.
The number of default tearsheets from the customer record will be assigned to new ads created via Quick Order Entry.
Custom Sales Report
Added the option to select the transaction type description, Report Transaction Type Description and the Insertion Transaction Type Description.
AdMAX 10.69 (April 15, 2015)
AdMAX to SCS/Track Interface
Stopped sending the source of ad image (from the old track interface) if the order source from the main order entry screen isn't filled in. The old field is no longer in use and sending it could cause discrepancies between the two systems.
Order Entry
Added a "Spec Ad Toggle" option to order entry. This can be accessed by clicking on the Ad pull down list or by selecting the option from the <F12> command list.The Spec Ad Toggle will prompt the user with the current status of the ad and give the user the choice to switch it to a spec ad (if it is a running ad) or to a running ad (if it is a spec ad).
To use this, no insertions on the ad can be marked as ran or posted. Also, a queue needs to be set up to route the ads to. The Queue is a standard personal queue with the "Treat Ads as Spec Ads" option set to TRUE. Expected fields for the queue are:
- Short Name: Make sure it matches the Ad Kind for spec in SCS/Track
- Prevent Override: This must be T
- Personal Queue: This must be T
- OE Can Place: This must be F
- Treat Ads as Spec Ads: Must be T
Quick Order Entry
AdMAX has been modified so that the entered by (and last change by) information will be pulled from the AdMAX user database based on the login id used in CAS. If the CAS login id is not linked to an AdMAX account, then the current method of assigned the created by as the default web order entry account will be used.
Added additional information to the customer information: Credit Code, Require Prepayment, Customer Type, Receivable Type.
ReserveAdBoss position requests can be entered through Quick Order Entry.
Preprint ads can be entered through Quick Order Entry.
Queue Maintenance
Added a Spec Ad Option. Personal Queues (and only personal queues) can be set to treat ads as spec ads. This will send the Short name from the queue configuration as the Ad Kind for track so that the Ad Tracking system can identify it as spec ad.
Credit Card Processing
When a credit card is settled, AdMAX will no longer change the description to match the verbiage returned from the clearing house.
Insertion Order Form (ioform)
Modified to pickup prepayments entered by accounting as well as order entry when the use saved prepayment flag is set to T.
AdMAX 10.68 (April 02, 2015)
Order Entry
The Position Page on the Display tab will now be passed in the standard xml file to ReserveAdBoss (RAB) and to the Quick OE module. When a RAB position request is made, the GURANTEE flag must be set for RAB to recognize the request. This happens automatically when the RAB position request is entered.
Added Right Page, Left Page, Double Truck and Gutter to the list of fields that can be set in the upsell attribute pull down list. If both the right and left page options are selected, then the last one picked one. (Selecting one unselects the other.)
Quick Order Entry
It will now display errors from AdMAX if pricing of an ad should fail.
Page requests will no longer be sent for page 0. This had no effect on ad placement, but could create some confusion in order entry.
Preprint ads can now be entered in Quick Order Entry. For the Quick Order Entry window, preprints are measured in inches and ounces when dimensions and weight are entered.
Custom Sales Report
Fixed an issue that could result in the billing width and height being 0 for insertions that have not yet been posted.
Ad Index
The ad index process was modified to recognize double truck ads.
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