Fixed an issue with calculating allowed aged amount.
Credit Card Processing
Fixed some issues with using Monetra locally over an encrypted connection.
Customer List Report
Added sales office as one of the criteria selections.
Customer Inquiry
Added a field to search for customers by email address.
Default Data
Added Bluefin and Column as default vendors.
Composition Style Configuration
Fixed some issues with the dialog to enter sample text.
Insertion Order Forms
There is now an SVG version of liners available that can be embedded in HTML-based insertion order forms.
Order Entry
Made dialog full width of screen.
Widen some fields in the tabbed area on the right side of the screen.
Removed obsolete faxing options.
Removed fax number as a hard-coded field. A fax number can still be entered as an additional phone number.
Customers can now be searched by email address under the "Cust" tab.
Added the ability to assign a unique version to selected insertions.
Product / Ad Category Association
There is now a table to assign ad categories to products. These are simply used to filter the list depending on the active product chosen when scheduling an ad.
These can be assigned from product maintenance or from transaction type maintenance.
Queue Routing
Allow ads that come from the web to follow normal queue routing if there is not an explicit route configured.
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