- Added easy human paper checker corrections to PCAB‘s Product Info—number, area, and advertising percentage—via an Item Info > Note “Paginated” checkbox for items that PCAB incorrectly thinks were unpaginated (perhaps because a system feed wasn‘t working, an item was paginated in a non-standard way, a child ad didn‘t have any text for PCAB to “read,” etc.).
- Automatically added recent/upcoming undummied (classified-only, like Lee‘s Thrifty Nickels) products to Products list, as specified by new Publication > Undummied weekday checkboxes, addressing an issue where paper checkers often forgot to check some undummied products.
- Computed advertising percentage better for zoned products, and for publications with a different number of classified, legals, or obits columns than retail.
- Added optional Administrators, to which various functionality is restricted.
- Added Item Actions “GroupName is” Condition and “Exclude Advertising Percentage” Action.
- Added Item Info > Group (to further help manually locate an item) and Instructions (which often contains placement directives, that if not followed, might result in a make-good). This info is supplied only in SCS Extended Product XML Dummied Geometry files, not OUTEXT.
- Added “@” Discrepancy—“Check Instructions for possible special placement.”
- Fixed incorrect dummied page numbers, and resulting incorrect “G” Discrepancies, for items from Merged (typically Sundays) SCS Extended Product XML Dummied Geometry files.
- Used “displayadv_columns” (order entry columns) if defined, instead of “columns” (dummying columns), in SCS Extended Product XML Dummied Geometry files, and converted column measurements therein to such.
- Fixed issue where special characters like curly quotes, long dash, etc. in GAM Advertiser, Creative, and Line Item names showed incorrectly.
- Added “%f” (Dummied Geometry File Base (without extension) Name) and “%F” (Dummied Geometry File Name) File Naming Convention Placeholders.
- Fixed mismatched Note for items with a 16-character ID.
- Added Products list > “Google Ad Manager API Info” command.
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