Version 9.57
* loadtape no longer tries to update database schemas that are only views for forms and should never have any records. The updates could sometimes produce warnings.
* This release ClassPag requires updating to the SCS 4GL tools from June 1, 2016, or later.
Version 9.58
* The product configuration screen "Display Ad Dummying Style" has a new field "Square-offs overflow as a unit" to control how ClassPag handles square-offs that don't fit in their requested position. The default value of N places the ads that don't fit as close as possible to the square-off. The value of Y places the entire square-off on overflow pages. This can be useful in products that have several square-offs per page.
Version 9.59
* The product configuration screen "Display Ad Dummying Style (Continued)" has a new field "Place Fillers over Headers" to control whether ClassPag places fillers above class headers instead of below them. The default value of "N" places fillers below class headers. Setting this field to "Y" places fillers above class headers.
* Increased the image name in ad records from 50 to 60 characters and in some internal image names from 60 to 80. This allows longer paths.
* Fixed a problem where "Square-offs overflow as a unit" could leave ads behind if the initial scan to find a page for the square-off did not find any pages.
Version 9.60
* Fixed a problem where "Square-offs overflow as a unit" could leave a banner unplaced if the square-off ads fit but didn't leave enough space for the banner.
* Fixed a calculation flowing line ads in square-offs at the top of the page.
Version 9.61
* ClassPag now supports a new style of horizontal pagination using the classification field "Randomize"/"Aleatorio" of "V". This places both display and line ads horizontally, while placing class headers vertically over ads. The other horizontal pagination styles place class headers horizontally.
* Improved class header placement when dragging ads at the top of a page. ClassPag removes unneeded class headers in more situations.
* When ClassPag saves work areas, it now compares a few key files to verify that the copy completed successfully.
* Fixed a problem where square-offs that dummied line ads would not reserve enough space for class headers.
* Fixed a problem where ClassPag would not save correctly if a save area expression generated a name of more than 30 characters.
* Internal changes for the SCS 4GL.
Version 9.62
* Fixed a problem where level pages with horizontal pagination could squeeze out class headers.
Version 9.63
* The command to remove the next expendable class no longer stops if the overflow page has a color ad provided that all unlocked, non-retail pages have full color.
* Fixed a problem where horizontal pagination would not always leave space for class headers.
Version 9.64
* The command "Ads -> Activate queued class" used to start scanning after the last active class, but now it takes the first queued class, even if active classes follow it. "Activate queued class" helps you build pages front to back, and it is easy to place ads out of order when active classes follow temporarily inactive queued classes, so you should still keep the queued classes last, even though it is no longer necessary.
Version 9.65
* When "Level Pages" can not fit a square-off but is not blocked by a particular ad, it now shows one of the banners as the blocking ad.
* ClassPag now does a better check for manually placed square-off banners. This fixes a problem where "Level Pages" could fail on pages with manually placed ads on top of square-offs.
* Updated the data replication in the mirror module of the SCS 4GL tools on July 8, 2016, and later. The periodic cron_sync script will now replicate /u/cpag* . You should no longer remove *.dat and *.idx from cron.exclude, even if ClassPag is the only SCS application on the server.
Version 9.66
* Ads directly below a square-off banner now show as conflicts if they are not part of the square-off. This helps detect square-off banners that are wider than the square-off.
* Ads without page requests that are below square-off ads or top banners now show as conflicts. This helps detect when square-offs without bottom banners are placed over ads.
Version 9.67
* The form to create an ad now builds an ad number from the image name if you leave the ad number empty and enter an image name.
* ClassPag has a new option Setup -> Import Configuration -> Rebuild work area
to rebuild the databases in the current work area. This can help if ClassPag commands give database errors.
* has a new -r option to rebuild the current work area.
* has new options for validating the configuration databases in the top level /u/cpag directory.
-u unloads the databases before rebuilding them.
-v scans each database with the verify tool instead of only trying to open it.
To rebuild all databases with errors detected by the verify tool, use
./ -u -v *.scr
To rebuild all databases, use
./ -u -f *.scr
* Fixed a problem where ClassPag could leave normal ads unplaced if a square-off didn't fit.
--- Screen captures ---
Example of the new style of horizontal pagination.
Combined with "level pages", this can produce a square-off with mixed display and line ads, generally in class order left to right and then top to bottom, and with class headers over display and line ads as needed.
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