Version 10.00
* The "Column Balancing" screen of the product configuration has a new field "Headers on all ads" to place class headers over all ads on horizontal pagination types that place headers above ads instead of adjacent to them. If this field is set, ClassPag will place headers even if the ad above is the same class. Use this field to build alternating rows of headers and ads.
* The "Column Balancing" screen of the product configuration has a new field "Col Order" to control the order that ClassPag fills columns in classes with horizontal pagination. "LR" places ads in left-to-right order by their sort key. "CLS" places ads near other ads of their class. For example, if a class has more ads than fit in the current row, with "CLS", ClassPag would place the remaining ads below the ads of their class in the previous row, while with "LR", ClassPag would place the remaining ads starting from the leftmost column. "DEF" or an empty value uses the default for the horizontal pagination type.
* When ClassPag creates ads from a directory of eps images, you can now embed a sort key using the id "S". If the ad does not have a KY request, ClassPag will add a prefix to the key to dummy the ad in size order.
Version 10.01
* The "Column Balancing" screen of the product configuration has a new field "Fixed Leading" to maintain the leading in the product configuration and suppress vertical justification of any remaining space during horizontal pagination.
The value "Y" maintains the configured leading. This produces a more even grid if the page depth does not exactly match the grid size.
The default value "N" allows ClassPag to adjust the leading during vertical justification.
* The "Col Order" field of the "Column Balancing" screen of the product configuration has a new value "SLR" for strict left-to-right order in horizontal pagination. Multi-column ads can leave holes in rows. "LR" will place ads of later classes in the holes. "SLR" will place fillers in the holes.
Version 10.02
* In horizontal pagination, when "Col Order" is "SLR" for strict left to right placement and the "Paired Class Look Ahead" is 0, ClassPag places ads in sort order. If an ad does not fit on the current row, ClassPag places fillers and advances to the next row.
Version 10.03
* ClassPag can now remove ads by horizontal position. This can be useful on pages with horizontal pagination.
The product configuration screen "Toolbar Button Preferences" has a new field "Remove Ads Horizontally Button" to enable a tool bar button to remove ads horizontally.
You can also enable the button through the configuration menu that opens on right clicks on most tool bar buttons.
To remove ads horizontally, click on the first ad to removed and then click on the new button.
Since horizontally placed ads usually unflow, ClassPag locks the remaining ads to hold them on the page.
* The grid parameters on the "Column Balancing" screen of the product configuration are now on a new "Grids and Horizontal Pagination" screen. This screen has a new "Grid Banner Depth" field to set the depth of page banners. The horizontal guide on the page background now has lines for a banner and rows of headers and grid ads.
Version 10.04
* The "Remove Ads Horizontally" command now works better. It no longer shifts some ads down, and it locks the ads without locking the page.
* When horizontal pagination places a filler, it assigns the filler to the current class in more cases. This makes the filler behave more like other ads.
* When horizontal pagination requires strict sort order, ClassPag now places fillers to preserve the order.
Version 10.05
* When ClassPag adds fillers for horizontal pagination, it adds headers in more cases.
Version 10.06
* The "Grids and Horizontal Pagination" screen of the product configuration has a new field "Round Ad Depths to Grid" to control whether ClassPag rounds the depths of ads to a multiple of the grid depth. This field has an effect only on products that define a grid depth. The default is "Y" to round ad depths to the grid. The value "N" preserves the ad depths. Use "N" if the product has leading (which complicates the grid depth calculation) or if the product has banners or fillers that are not multiples of the grid depth.
* When "Round Ad Depths to Grid" is enabled, ClassPag now takes the grid unit as the grid depth plus the configured preferred leading. For example, if the grid unit is 1 inch and leading is 1/8 inch, ClassPag will now round an ad two grid units tall to 2 1/8 inch instead of 2 inches as before. This makes grids line up when they have ads with a mix of depths. The depth calculation is similar to the width calculation of ads wider than a column.
Version 10.07
* In horizontal pagination, when "Col Order" is "PLR" for paired left to right placement and the "Paired Class Look Ahead" is 0, ClassPag places ads in sort order like "SLR", except that ClassPag will stack two single-unit ads adjacent to a two-unit ad.
Version 10.08
* In horizontal pagination when "Col Order" is "PLR" for paired left to right placement and the "Paired Class Look Ahead" is 0, if a class has ads 3 units tall, ClassPag will now build rows 3 units deep.
* The "Col Order" field of the "Column Balancing" screen of the product configuration has a new value "RLR" for strict left-to-right order in horizontal pagination building rows that do not overlap. "RLR" works like "PLR" except that it will start a new row in places where "PRL" would have placed an ad in a hole.
Version 10.09
* The "Grid Banner Depth" and "Grid Header Depth" fields on the "Grid and Horizontal Pagination" screen of the product configuration are now more careful about only modifying banners and headers close to those depths.
* The "Grid and Horizontal Pagination" screen of the product configuration has a new field "Round Depths to Grid... Banners and Headers" to control whether ClassPag rounds banners and headers to the "Grid Banner Depth" and "Grid Header Depth" values. The default matches "Round Depths to Grid... Ads". If headers or banners can have more than one size, set this field to "N" to preserve the depths of headers and banners. This field has an effect only if "Round Depths to Grid... Ads" is enabled.
Version 10.10
* The "Draw Box Around Page" on the "Spread" screen has new values to give more control over boxes. The values "T" and "F" work as before where "T" draws a thin box around the page, which can be useful for proofing.
The new value "PAGE" draws a box according to the "Rule Depth" and "Rule Offset from Top" of the product configuration screen "Top of Page Horizontal Rule Specifications". This allows you to control which pages have a box instead of forcing a box on every page by setting "Draw Box Around the Page".
The new value "ADS" works like "PAGE" but crops the box to the ads. This can be useful for adding boxes around square-offs.
* The product configuration field "Place wide headers"/"Colocar cabezales anchos" on the screen "Classified Heading Placement"/"Ubicación de Encabezados de Clasificaciones" has a new value "SPAN" to place wide headers across the top of mixes of display ads and line ads.
"SPAN" works like "ALL", except that it will span headers across adjacent ads.
"SPAN" can be useful for placing wide headers on products with horizontal grids of modular ads.
* When ClassPag combines adjacent class headers into a wide header, if any of the headers were manually placed, ClassPag will mark the new header as manually placed. This makes generated wide headers easier to remove.
Version 10.11
* The editor function to find matching quotes and parentheses now works better on expressions with long lines that were wrapped bu the editor.
* Rebuilt reports for the changes in ad records in version 9.79.
--- Screen captures ---
Version 10.01 changes
Sample page with horizontal pagination.
Version 10.03 changes
Sample horizontal pagination with alternating rows of class headers and ads.
Version 10.04 changes
Sample page with equal leading and manually placed fillers.
Version 10.06 changes
Sample page with alignment of ads that are one and two units deep.
Grid configuration screen
Version 10.07 changes
Sample page with automatically placed fillers to preserve the sort order and with one-unit ads paired next to two-unit ads.
Version 10.08 changes
Sample page with pairing of ads up to three units deep.
Version 10.09 changes
Sample page with modular ads and class headers
Grid product configuration with the new options for rounding depths by ad type.
Version 10.10 changes
Sample pages with spanning class headers
Product configuration to enable spanning class headers
Sample page with a box around the ads
Product configuration to specify the box. The box uses the "Rule Depth" and "Rule Offset from Top" on the "Top of Page Horizontal Rule Specifications" 6 screen of the product configuration.
Spread setting to request a box around the ads. Set "Draw Box Around Page" to "ADS".
If you want to see the box with a Paper Definition option that crops, set the "Hor Margin" and "Vertical Margin" large enough to contain the box.
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