Version 9.48
* Added tool tip help to the ad configuration form. This makes it easier to select the values that you want.
* When a work area has no product, for example, the first time that you start ClassPag on a new workstation, ClassPag now opens the product selection window instead of showing an error about a missing control record. This eliminates a common issue at new ClassPag installations.
* ClassPag can now load classification names from a CSV in addition to fixed format files.
Setup -> Set Class Names -> F12 -> "Read class titles from a text file"
has a new option F12 -> "Set file type" to let you switch between fixed format and CSV. In CSV mode, the "Column" is the column of the CSV. This simplifies importing classification names from a spreadsheet.
* Setup -> Set Class Names has a new F12 option "Read class titles from the sort file".
This replaces the class titles with the titles from the sort file in the current work area. This command is still available under Setup -> Import Configuration -> Load Class Titles.
* ClassPag now converts PDFs into smaller EPS files by using Level 3 postscript instead of Level 2. The "Ad Images" product configuration screen has a new field "PDF to EPS postscript level" that you can set to "2" or "3" to set the postscript level. Reduce it to "2" if you have a printer, proofer or application that does not support Level 3 postscript. If ClassPag has already converted files, you can remove them from /u/cpag/root/cache. The full benefit will come with the March 2016 release of pdftops which will add support for LZW compression in Level 2 postscript and Flate compression in Level 3 postscript contributed by SCS at
* ClassPag now builds the partial page of multi-page square-offs to the requested square-off width in more cases. This gives you more control over the partial page.
* Improved the vertical packing square-off algorithm. This produces tighter square-offs when most of the ads have the same width but different heights.
* Fixed a problem where class headers that did not flow in a square-off could be placed outside the square-off.
* Fixed a problem where opening a square-off with ads sitting on top of the square-off could create reservations inside the square-off instead of above it.
* Fixed windows positioning in Set Class Names -> F12 -> "Read class titles from a text file" so the preview is visible.
* Fixed alignment in the window to test composition.
* Fixed a problem where "Read Files" with no selected product could complain about "uninitialized variable - OK".
* Fixed a log warning about a difference between the number of ads requested and the number calculated in classes with headers that come from banners.
--- Screen captures ---
Example of a square-off built with a four column partial page according to the square-off request. Previous versions of ClassPag would have made the partial page as wide as the page.
The square-off request for four columns.
The new "PDF to EPS postscript level" field on the "Ad Images" screen of the product configuration.
F12 hot keys in Setup -> Set Class Names with new options for loading class names.
The command to read class titles from a text file has a new option to set the file type to switch between fixed length files and CSV files.
When a work area has no product information, ClassPag now opens a list of products.
Previous versions of ClassPag showed an error message.
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