Version 9.00
* The directory browser in "View Ad Directories" has a new option
"Link to import directory" to create a symbolic link to a ClassPag import area.
You can use this to create links to AdMAX nfs_classified directories.
The command also makes a control record set to the current product.
* ClassPag can now import sort files with the new version of the SCS Product XML.
* Fixed warnings about reload errors after rebuilding banners.
* ClassPag distributions now require RHEL or CentOS 4 or higher.
Contact SCS for distributions for RHEL 3 or other operating systems.
Version 9.01
* Added info tips to more forms including font maintenance, banners, fillers,
ads, classes, square-offs, and folios.
* Folio and banner text items can now use patterns to compose text.
For folios, use the "Type" of "CPATTERN". For banners, use the "Type" of "C".
Patterns are similar to expressions, except that while expressions quote literal
text and use variables directly, patterns use text directly and quote variables.
The available variables are identical to the variables available in expressions.
To embed the value of a variable in a pattern, use <| variablename |/>
To embed a computed value in a pattern, use <| $print expression |/>
where expression is an expression-interpreter expression.
For example, to show the date in a pattern use
<cc 1c,hv,10,10,10><| $print f$format(RunDate,"dd-Mmm-YYYY") |/><ql>
and in an expression use
"<cc 1c,hv,10,10,10>" // f$format(RunDate,"dd-Mmm-YYYY") // "<ql>"
* ClassPag now shows a warning when Composition can not find a logo
in a banner.
Version 9.02
* Improved banner placement. If a banner requests a page, and if the page is
not wide enough for the banner, ClassPag will place a smaller image of the
banner if one exists that matches the width of the page.
* Added info tips to the printer, paper, spread, control, editions
and zones forms.
* setup.sh resets SCRATCH if it points to a spice web directory.
This fixes a conflict with recent versions of the SCS 4GL.
* setup.sh no longer warns if /usr/bin/X11 or /usr/lib/X11 does not exist.
* Fixed a "Could not get page number" warning if you passed over an empty
"Page Number" field in the banner entry form.
Version 9.03
* ClassPag now uses the pdftops -aa anti-aliasing option when it is available.
This improves the quality of text in PDFs if you do software color separations
with ClassPag. Request an updated pdftops executable from SCS Support.
* The Import list has a new scrollable column with the product id.
* Fixed a shell problem on RHEL 4 and older when the login shell was a bash
with the shell shock patch but the system shell was old.
Version 9.04
* Viewing an ad that links to a PDF that ClassPag can not open no longer
shows a warning that the ad is not included in an active classification.
Version 9.05
* The Open Square-off command now works better with square-offs that
contain keyed ads.
* If "Omit over banners" on the "Classified Heading Placement" screen of the
product configuration is set, which is the default, if a square-off is in the
top level class, ClassPag will no longer place a class header over the banner.
* Updated the page display module to the version used by Layout.
The update should not affect ClassPag.
Version 9.06
* The Open Square-off command now places class headers on display ads
according to "Place Headers on Display Ads" in the square-off instead of
"Place over display ads" on the Classified Heading Placement" screen of
the product configuration. This improves header placement for square-offs
that place headers differently than the main product.
Version 9.07
* The "Outext Export" screen of the product configuration has a new field
"Ad X position" to write the ad X position instead of the ad height
in card 4 columns 68-72. This simplifies interfaces that need the ad
position in outext units instead of in columns.
* runcpag.sh has a new "noautoread" to diagnose import issues at sites with
interfaces that run mapclass with autoread enabled. The "noautoread" option
temporarily cancels the autoread option in the product configuration and
shows the mapclass menu.
* Fixed a problem where ClassPag would not always place headers on keyed ads
on one-page products.
Version 9.08
* ClassPag now tracks which pages were last printed to a B&W device (a paper
entry with "Create Separations" of "GRAY" and "Final Output Device" set).
The page information record has a new "Color" field that is "N" for pages
printed to B&W. The page preview shows a "GR" flag in the pyramid style list.
The "Outext Export"/"Exportar de outext" screen of the product configuration
has a new field "Page record output color"/"Color imprimido de página"
to write the color flag in card 2 column 70 of page records in the outext.
An "F" in the outext field means that the page was printed to a B&W device.
* ClassPag now uses the pdftops -aaRaster anti-aliasing option when it is
available. This option had been called -aa in test versions of pdftops 0.29.0.
* Fixed a problem introduced in 9.03 where rebuilding banners could get
an error if the login shell was /bin/bash.
Version 9.09
* Fixed a problem where ClassPag could sometimes place a class header
at the bottom of a column in classes with exactly two line ads.
Version 9.10
* Improved front-to-back agate ad flowing. If a column started under
a banner or display ad, ClassPag could reserve extra space for a
class header.
* Improved pagination of keyed ads. The area estimate sometimes counted
keyed ads twice.
* Improved "level pages". The search threshold is now smaller.
Version 9.11
* ClassPag now supports segmenting multi-column Wave2 ads. Set the
"Auto Segment Ads" field on the "Legal and Segmented Ad Specifications"
screen of the product configuration to "WAVE".
* When ClassPag tracks pages printed to B&W devices, it now counts
paper entries that use a printer that ends in -BW or -BYN (in upper
or lower case) with a separation type of "NO". This can be useful
if the print queue converts to gray scale and you do not want to use
a separation type of "GRAY".
* Outext records of ads and pages with three colors now list the colors
in the outext color name fields.
* ClassPag now removes control characters from the class title in
outext records.
Version 9.12
* Fixed a problem where PDFs with spaces in their file names would not
show previews in ad boxes.
* Fixed a problem where ClassPag could make overflow pages if a class had
a wide main header but no single column class header and a line ad was wider
than the main header.
* The "Ad Importing"/"Importacion de Avisos" screen of the product configuration
has a new field "Default Composition Format ... for Headings (interface
specific)"/"Formato SCS composicion ... para cabezales (especifico a interfaz)"
that currently applies only to the ELP interface to provide a format when
creating class headers that are missing in the text interface files.
Version 9.13
* When mapclass creates a missing header in the ELP interface, it now
converts the clasierr format into lower case.
Version 9.14
* The "Full page ads can bleed" field of the "Ad Image Scaling" screen of the
product configuration has new options "I" and "O". When an ad is wider than
the page, "I" places the extra area of the ad towards the inside of the spread,
while "O" places the extra area of the ad towards the outside of the spread.
For example, on a product with folios on the outer sides of pages (left side
of even pages and right side of odd pages), the value "I" will place wide ads
towards the gutter so wide ads will not overwrite the folios.
* ClassPag now uses -optimizecolorspace with pdftops 0.31.0 or higher.
With this option, if a PDF has a RGB image where every pixel has equal R, G
and B values, pdftops writes the image as gray scale in the postscript.
This fixes problems with logos that appear gray but are actually RGB.
pdftops used to do this by default, but it now must be enabled explicitly.
Version 9.15
* The "Request Checking" screen of the product configuration has a new
field "Show in Class Color ... Fillers" to control whether display fillers
show in the class color or the filler color on the page preview screen.
The default is N to show in the class color. Use "Y" to show display fillers
in the class color. This can be useful if you have special classes with only
display fillers.
* ClassPag windows resize better when the screen is slightly too small.
* menprof.sh and runcpag.sh have a new "unusabledisplayheight" option that
takes a small number with the number of unusable pixels at the top and bottom
of the screen. For example, if your desktop has a task bar at the bottom of
the screen that is so large that it interferes with ClassPag, you can use
this option to reduce the size of the ClassPag window.
Version 9.16
* Island ad drags now use minimum leading values from the ad configuration
instead of the generic values in the product configuration.
This allows you to drag island ads closer together.
* When the filler paste list shows fillers passed in the sort file, if the
ad description is empty, the filler list now shows the customer name instead.
This makes it easier to identify standby ads that are passed as fillers.
* menprof.sh and runcpag.sh have new options "arrowdragcursor" and
"handdragcursor" to control the cursor used for dragging ads.
The default is a hand, but if the hand does not display well,
you can use "arrowdragcursor" to show an arrow instead.
* Fixed a problem where !, @, # and $ did not work in the page display screen.
Version 9.17
* The banner setup now shows a warning if several banner images generate eps
files with the same name. When you rebuild the banners, ClassPag processes the
the banners in alphabetic order, and the image of the banner that comes last in
order will overwrite images with the same name of other banners. When several
banner images generate the same eps name, when you paste one of the banners,
you might get a different image or different text than you expected.
This warning will help track down the banner images that have duplicate names.
* When the banner setup window has a large number of warnings, it now shows
the warnings in a scrollable list instead of in a pop-up dialog.
Version 9.18
* ClassPag can now rebuild banners automatically whenever a page is changed.
The "Rebuild in preview" field on the "Folios and Banners" screen of the
product configuration has new values "A" and "P".
"A" automatically rebuilds banners before viewing pages if banners have
"Page number text" and a page has been changed since the last rebuild.
"P" prompts to rebuild banners before viewing pages if banners have
"Page number text" and a page has been changed since the last rebuild.
"T" (as before) prompts to rebuild banners if the edition parameters
have been changed since the last rebuild.
"F" (as before) does not rebuild banners or prompt to rebuild them.
Use "A" if you have banners with embedded page numbers, and you never want
to worry about rebuilding them.
Use "P" if you have banners with embedded page numbers that take a while to
rebuild, and you don't want to bother rebuilding them whenever you view a page.
Use "T" if you have banners that depend only on the date.
Use "F" if you have banners that never need to be rebuilt.
* The commands to rebuild folios and to rebuild banners now show a better
warning message if the SCS Composition spooler pass has an error.
The message now says to check if Composition is running and to check
the Composition error log.
* The "Test Composition" command no longer shows the PCC if Composition
was successful. This makes the command easier to understand.
* The "Test Composition" command no longer complains about environment
symbols that translate to more than 80 characters. Some symbols
like COMP_LOGO contain search paths that can be very long.
* This release has an updated version of the database engine.
Anyone with ClassPag 8.75 or higher or a version of the SCS 4GL tools
between Nov 11, 2013, and Apr 15, 2015, should upgrade.
Version 9.19
* The "User Preferences" screen of the product configuration has a new
field "Unflow Display Ads ... Keyed" to control whether ClassPag unflows
keyed display ads. The default is "Y" to unflow keyed display ads.
Keyed display ads depend on the location of liners, so if ClassPag
leaves keyed display ads when it unflows, if you move any ads, the
line ads will probably flow differently enough so that the keyed
display ads are no longer in the columns corresponding to their key.
For products of one or two pages where this is not an issue, you can
now configure ClassPag not to unflow keyed display ads, which makes
it easier to adjust their positions manually.
* Improved square-off conflict checking. If a square-off has a banner,
ClassPag now reports a conflict if an ad in the square-off is at the
top of a column or has non-square-off ads above it. ClassPag already
checked for ads of a different square-off above it.
* The "Repaint" button in Open Square-off command now recalculates the
pages better in products that have several square-offs with the same id.
* ClassPag now runs gv instead of ghostview if /usr/local/bin/gv exists.
This eliminates the need to create a /usr/local/bin/ghostview symbolic link.
* ClassPag now uses the new mirroring option to check the "gate" added in
the SCS 4GL tools on May 19, 2015. ClassPag checks first if the new option
is supported, so this change does not require updating the tools.
* The NAC interface now clears and restores box indents when placing photos.
This fixes a problem where photos were shifted to the right.
* Updated the page display module to the version used by Layout.
The update should not affect ClassPag.
* This release of ClassPag is the first to be built with gcc-5.1.0.
See http://gcc.gnu.org/
Version 9.20
* ClassPag now places unflowed display ads in the paste list.
This makes it easier to locate in-column display ads and keyed display ads
if you have configured ClassPag to unflow them.
* The "User Preferences" screen of the product configuration has a new
field "Unflow Keyed Display Ads... Max Width" which replaces the field
"Unflow Display Ads ... Keyed" to control whether ClassPag unflows
keyed display ads. The value "0" keeps all keyed display ad on pages.
The value "1" unflows 1 column display keyed ads and keeps keyed display ads
of 2 or more columns on pages.
The value "2" unflows 1 and 2 column keyed display ads and keeps
keyed display ads of 3 or more columns on pages, etc.
A value equal to or greater than the widest ad in the product unflows
all keyed display ads.
An empty value defaults to unflowing all keyed display ads.
This makes it easier to work with products that have full page keyed ads.
* The control record has a new field "Show Class List" and the "Class Loading"
screen of the product configuration screen has a new field "Show Class List
when opening a session" to control whether ClassPag shows the classification
list when you start a new session. The default value of "Y" shows the list.
You can skip the list by setting the field to "N".
If the control field is set, it overrides the configuration field.
You can use this to save a step when opening session if you always
load class nestings and never need to see the class list,
* ClassPag no longer asks before rebuilding banners when "Rebuild in preview"
on the "Folios and Banners" screen of the product configuration is "A".
ClassPag still used to ask in a few situations.
* If the banners depend on the classification database, when ClassPag rebuilds
the banners, if the classification pages have changed, ClassPag automatically
rebuilds the classification database and no longer prompts you.
This saves a step and avoids the chance that you could have answered "No" and
built banners with incorrect text.
* ClassPag no longer asks before adjusting the folio count if the field
"Auto-adjust last page" on the product configuration screen "Page Numbers"
is "Y" or empty. This improves the automation of folio generation.
* When you close a session, ClassPag no longer asks you twice to send an outext
file when "Ask if not written" on the "Outext Export" product configuration
screen is "T". The first question now asks if you want to create and export
an outext, and if you say "Yes", ClassPag does not show any further prompts
or dialogs unless the command to send the outext returns an error status.
* The "Outext Export" screen of the product configuration has a new field
"Show Record Type List" to control whether ClassPag shows the record type list
before writing an outext. The default is "Y" to show the list. You can set it
to "N" if you always use the settings in the product configuration.
* If a page is marked for full color, the page display now shows the
letters "CMY" or three color squares or a color wheel (according to
the setting of "Page color format" on the "Page Display Preferences"
screen of the product configuration). ClassPag would sometimes show
pages marked for full color as "F" or a black square or a black circle.
This change makes the color markings clearer and more consistent.
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