- New user preferences were added for default EmailTo options. In the User Preferences' Web and Email tab you can add a default EmailTo address or select for the default EmailTo to be the default email from address you have set up above it. Reports should automatically have your EmailTo setting as the destination email and you can add or edit the destination as needed. Multiple email address can be added to the default emailTo as long as they are comma separated and follow typical email rules.
- You can also now use the new <EmailTo> when setting up an export procedure so that this default email will be used to help automate the export process. A script has also been given that can prepend the <EmailTo> tag to all export procedures without needed to manually edit them all.
- A change to the internal address book tool that Layout uses has been updated to allow editing the list of recipients easier. Previously you would need to edit the destination string manually or start from scratch and use the address book. Now the previously entered destinations should populate the address book's check list if used.
- A bug in the intolayout.sh script was fixed that prevented running intolayout.sh with anything but an absolute path if you had more than 1 intolayout.opts file in use.
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