Layout-8000 v15.2.1
Products page
- When the user leaves the main Layout workstation dialog, a pop-up may ask if the user wants to restart instead of leaving Layout. This is similar to a pop-up that appeared in Layout-8000 version 14. The appearance of this pop-up is based on a user preference. By default, the pop-up does not appear; Layout just exits. To change this, go to the Product Page tab in User Preferences and check the field labeled "Confirm when leaving Layout".
- The "Ad Entry" menu respects security settings.
Design & Dummy area
- Improved placement of double truck ads. Please see the attached document to learn more about how double trucks are now handled.
- Improved automatic placement of color ads.
- Left/Right page requests may be degraded.
- When you ask Layout to Dummy, Layout runs a pre-flight check. It checks if there are unplaced color ads but no color pages. It also checks if there are unplaced double truck ads but no pages that were marked as double truck. If any of these conditions are true, a message pops up suggesting that the user might want to cancel the auto-dummy process and designate some color or double-truck pages.
- Improved reasons why an ad with a "single" request could not be placed on a page. The case that was that a page already had an ad marked as a single ad. The reason that was given, "Page may have only one ad", is appropriate for the case where the page is marked as a single-ad page. But for a page that is no so marked that already has an ad marked as a single ad, the reason "Page already has an ad marked 'single'" is more appropriate.
- The "More details" button on the "Ad" tab modifies the correct Insertion record for a rezoned ad.
- Products that are sent to SCS for technical support have a higher probability of reaching SCS.
Send to Pagination
- When someone placed half of a double truck ad on a page and left the other half unplaced, "Send to Pagination" reported differences in "diffgeom.log". An error message popped up because Layout-8000 could not create a "/u/compare" directory. Both halves of the double truck ad were incorrectly combined in SCS XML files like "l8kout.xml". All of these bugs are fixed.
- Product and Template Schedules have additional instructions to guide you on how to use the list and dialog.
- The "Printer Maintenance" menu's security group changed from HIDE to LAYOUT ADMIN.
- Improved monitoring of database replication.
- When an administrator ran "mkprime", a CentOS Linux 7 server incorrectly reported that users were logged into the other server. That was a false alarm and has been corrected.
- Before shutting down a server, an administrator may specify that mkprime or mksec should not be run during the next restart. This involves an "/etc/reboot.conf" file.
- The Mirror kit installs three new files in /etc/mirror: (1) mirror.must_exclude, (2) cron.must_exclude and (3) dr.must_exclude. These files contain lists of directories and files that must be excluded from Mirroring. Unlike mirror.exclude, cron.exclude and dr.exclude, the .must_exclude files are not to be customized. There is a comment to that effect at the top of each file.
- SCS's Queue Manager has an improved startup and shutdown process. It takes less time. Consequently, Layout-8000 servers boot, reboot and shut down faster.
- Installs the EPEL repository on CentOS Linux 7.
- Corrected the list of required packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
- Improved initialization of the Environment Manager.
- Improved conversion of Email Address Book data from old versions of Layout-8000.
- Spice toolkits are better maintained on a Mirrored pair of servers, making it easier to determine which tools were installed where. The "/u/install/installed_
toolkits" directory contains kits that were installed on this server. Installation log files are preserved for both servers. - For a given kit name (e.g., common), instead of installing for the first file that has extension .tar, .tar.Z, .tar.gz, .tgz, or .tar.bz2, in that order, scsinstall now installs the newest file with one of those extensions.
- The "xml2json" program is automatically downloaded from the web site instead of using a new SPM package management tool.
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