Layout-8000 v15.0.3
Front Panel
- An error message about input variable MenuLang no longer pops up.
- The front panel shows a "Reports" button.
Get Ads
- Improved support for file names that contain periods, for example "trans.12345".
Design & Dummy
- Ad image files with an uppercase ".PDF" or lowercase ".pdf" extension are accepted.
- A list of block templates can be sorted by column.
Email Address Book
- Renovated the email address book. The new GUI is cleaner, simpler, and easier to use.
- Addressed a scrolling issue.
- There is a small change to the user interface for the "To" field. If the user types into the "To" field, then when the user exits the field, the dialog checks to see if the field has just one address or part of an address (i.e., no commas). If so, it checks to see if what the user has typed partially matches any email addresses in the address book. If so, it presents a list of email addresses that partially match. The user can choose on of these, or decline to do so. If the user chooses one, it replaces what the user typed into the "To" field; otherwise, it leaves the "To" field as it is.
- Email address book data is better imported from old versions of Layout-8000.
- Layout-8000 version 15's new front panel shows a "Reports" button.
- Simplified SCS printer configuration when migrating from an old server to a new server.
- A "" script can make page dummies (PGL) in batch mode.
High Availability (HA)
- On Mirrored servers, mkprime or mksec automatically runs during system startup if conditions are right.
- Reorganized "mirror.conf" on new servers so that commonly changed variables are near the top, related variables are grouped together, and there is a comment explaining each variable. All of the code that doesn't involve variables that the user can set is at the bottom.
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