Layout-8000 v14.8.5
Design & Dummy area
Ad Rezoning- We rewrote the code for rezoning ads. This affects rezoning in all contexts. The purpose of the rewrite is to address ad rezoning bugs that have been reported but were difficult to reproduce and fix. The new code reduced bugs. Whatever bugs continue to occur will be easier to fix.
- The Zone ± dialog no longer eliminates the current zone from the check list of zones, and so no longer has text explaining why it does that. If desired, you may remove an ad from the current zone when rezoning it.
- When rezoning an ad removes it from pages (because it is no longer in the zones of those pages), a window will appear in the lower left of the layout window reporting the page or pages from which the item was removed. This window automatically closes on the next keystroke or mouse button click.
- The Zone Reconfigure command can copy ads, news reserves and a page message from a page in one zone to the same page in other zones. This feature is now available on the pop-up menu for a page. The menu item is called "Copy To Zones." It appears only if the page is a zoned page.
- Fixed a bug where logical page name records could not be created when rezoning a page.
- When someone drags half of a double truck ad, what happens to the other half? It depends. In the past, the other half stayed wherever it was. Now Layout tries to move both halves of the double truck ad.
- Some newspapers do not place both halves of a double truck ad on facing pages, so the above feature has an on/off switch in the toolbar named "Drag both halves of a double truck ad together."
- The Resize ad feature has changed. Both halves of the double truck ad appear on the form. This helped a customer manage an unevenly split double truck ad where 6 columns are on one page and 3 columns are on the other page. The form allowed columns to be shifted from right to left while maintaining the correct overall ad width.
- A "Show all pages" toolbar button zooms out to the farthest possible zoom level for an overview of the newspaper.
- We restored the feature where you can select a page layout (number of pages per row, number of rows) for the page display. The feature is available from a pull-down field named "Pg" in the ad information dialog.
- When an ad is resized, the ad is immediately displayed with its new size.
- Handles the following hot keys when focus is on the page window:
- Shift and right arrow goes to the next page.
- Shift and left arrow goes to the previous page.
- Ctrl and + key zooms in.
- Ctrl and - key zooms out.
- 2, 4, 6, 8 0
Show that many pages on the single-zone display; 10 pages for 0. - Shift 2, 4, 6, 8, 0
Show 10 + that many pages on the single-zone display; 20 pages for 0. - Ctrl 2, 4, 6, 8, 0
Show 20 + that many pages on the single-zone display; 30 pages for 0. - Alt 2, 4, 6, 8, 0
Show 30 + that many pages on the single-zone display; 40 pages for 0. - Layout-8000 might show more pages if it can do so without making the pages smaller.
- CCI page IDs may be shown above each page.
- The "Logical Names" area can show blank slots for unnamed pages. This benefits customers who manually name pages by providing a blank to fill.
- Customers who manually name pages will benefit from a new list of "Suggested Page Names". Suggestions appear in a drop-down list in the "Logical Names" area when someone edits a page name.
- When someone clicks the X window close box, the result is that Layout-8000 leaves the Design & Dummy area, just as if the person pressed the Esc key or chose File/Exit from the pull-down menu.
Send to Pagination and Export Procedures
- Added a third type of procedure step in "Export Procedures." In addition to pagination and report steps, there are notification steps.
- Notifications are still available as commands on a pagination style by choosing "Notifying people" from the command list. When you choose that, you get a checklist of the notification events that are set up. When the pagination style is executed, the chosen notifications are sent out.
- If an export procedure contains a notification step and a pagination style step, and the pagination style has a notify command that sends out the same notification as the notification step in the export procedure, the notification is sent out only once. So the person setting up export procedures and pagination styles doesn't need to be careful to avoid such duplications.
- Whether notifications in pagination styles and export procedures should be sent out when the style or procedure is executed is now configurable. We were concerned that a user might execute send to pagination on a product more than once, maybe once before the product is finished for some reason, and then later when the product is finished. In that case, they might well want the notifications to go out only the second time.
- Improved the user interface for specifying parameters for a Float command in a pagination style.
- The number of columns, number of editorial columns, depth of the page, width of the page and gutter width no longer appear on the form. Layout gets these values from the product configuration when the pagination style is executed. The benefit is simpler Float configuration and fewer opportunities for mistakes.
- For "top of page hit", the form gives you the option of using the default value from the product configuration or entering a different value.
- Odd-sized ads that are placed on the right edge of a page now have a correct horizontal / X position in the XML file that is sent to CCI.
- The Design & Dummy area's Logical Names list can optionally show empty slots for unnamed pages. This benefits customers who manually name pages by providing a blank to fill.
- Customers that manually name pages will benefit from a new list of "Suggested Page Names". Suggestions can be made in the maintenance area. They appear in the Design & Dummy area when someone edits page names.
- Desk names that are translated from Layout-8000 groups have increased from 12 to 20 characters.
- The format of "FolioPageNumber" is configurable. By default, FolioPageNumber contains a section-relative page number with no section letter. This may be overridden by a site-configurable expression which is editable from Layout-8000's Maintenance menu. For example, a site wants to see a FolioPageNumber like "L10B", where L is the section, 10 is the page number and B is an optional letter. They can now do that with an expression.
- Addressed a concern with lettered pages like L-4B. The concern was that lettered pages might have the same "BookPageNumber" in CCI XML files. For example, pages 4A, 4B and 4C might all have BookPageNumber 4 in a CCI XML file which was confusing. To address this concern, BookPageNumbers are now consecutively numbered in each zone.
- Odd-sized ads that are placed on the right edge of a page now have a correct horizontal / X position in the file that is sent to Saxotech.
Database Ranges
- Database Ranges can export/imported to/from a spreadsheet file. Previously this feature worked for Groups. Now it works for all other types of ranges including Papers, Editions, Sections, Zones, Types, Categories and Colors.
- This version of Layout-8000 includes Spice "big" toolkits which allow c-tree database files larger than 2 GB. All SCS applications are adopting these toolkits.
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